....All the moving image works in the SOLO show were playing at once. A chorus of teetering, grappling, pacing, hobbling, heaving, weaving, spinning, pressing and fingering was accompanied by the constant whirring of the 16mm projectors and the sounds of the various actions. Not all of the works included sound and there was no dialogue in any of the works shown. The absence of dialogue was a conscious decision to bring about more of an experiential interaction with the work, to bring us closer to an empathy with the defiant, dogged determination and a self-will that the artists employed in these individually performed tasks. Through the sounds and actions, some hugely arduous and others slight, all played in unison, we were also bought closer to understanding or even touching the very fabric of the works. Many of which are punctuated with moments of vulnerability when things do not quite go to plan and something slips, misses the target or breaks.. .