Monday, 12 August 2013

Motion in Form event

At some point later in the year as part of the Motion in Form series(date tbc):
Louise Colbourne will present a 16mm film montage with additional sound track by Paul Burgess.

Stills from 1960's educational film 'Radiation of Heat'

Motion in Form

Part 3 of Motion in Form presents

Zoe Brown

Friday May 31st is an installation combining a 16mm film, mono prints and film props to formulate her representation of a period of time in one edition of a local newspaper the Hastings Observer.  Zoë has used the weekly collection of haphazard tales and news items as an opportunity to explore character, plot, intrigue, redemption, ideas, and location. She has weaved these separate moments into a fictional narrative, creating a single story from the cacophony.

The narrative has become the story of a young boy who imagines creating a fantastical time machine. He encounters difficulties along the way but miraculous happenings and spiritual beings help him to realize his dream.

The film has been shot on various locations in the Hastings and St Leonard’s area on black and white 16mm film. This medium lends the film a romantic, nostalgic feel, which acts as a homage to early silent movies sequences as well as the simple charming redemptive storyline.

Electro Studios Project Space, Seaside Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN38 0AL
Preview: Saturday 17th of August 6pm-8pm
Opening times: Saturday 17th 2pm-6pm, Sunday 18th 1pm-4pm

Big Screen and Film Gallery at Latitude 2013

                                                                Phil Hartnoll (Orbital)

                                                          The Big Screen ( Matt Page)

                                                            The Big Screen (Don Letts)

Don Letts

                                         Unconcious Archives (Greg Pope and Lee Patterson)